Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Little Catching Up...

I must have forgotten about this little blog that I created so many months ago...oops!:) I'm remembering it now. It's obvious that many things have occured in my life since I started this blog, like completing my senior year of High School and graduating on June 4th, 2009. Graduation was pretty exciting; I'm glad all that stress is over...way over. I am now a High School graduate enjoying my summer before I go to grow up at college. And yes, I am enjoying my summer. At this very moment that I am composing this Blog Post, I am in Kennebunk, Maine visiting some extended family on my Dad's side. We've been going to the beach, buying souvineirs, eating mint ice cream, watching iCarly...the list goes on and on. Yesterday a few of us--Me, my uncle Dana, my two cousins Ireland and Leyton, my great Aunt Mo and her son Luke--went to Funtown Waterpark and played around on the waterslides. Yes yes, with a beach so close, why spend money and go to a yucky waterpark? BECAUSE, the beach doesn't have wicked awesome waterslides!!! It was all fun and games until I slipped on a stupid waterslide mat that wasn't supposed to be on the ground and hurt my knee really bad. Ouch! Another one for the team. Overall, fun time at Funtown Splash Park.
All our other activities have been rather fun, also, but I'll save myself the misery of typing another long paragraph about it. My big summer vacation of going to Maine has been fun so far! Let it continue!
PS: I'd post pictures of my adventures, but I'm not on my computer so picture posting is not an option right now. Maybe later! :)


James and Ann said...

Hey Chelsea! I love that you have a blog and I'm looking forward to learning about your thoughts on life. Check out our blog sometime!

Kristen said...

YAY for your blog!! Can't wait to hear more! See you when you get home. :)

Lisa and Lance said...

What up Chalus! I am way pumped up about your blog here! That is so awesome. You are already on my blog roll! How is your trip? You need to come to another soccer game and chill with us again soon!

Jenny Hatch said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog...until I found it on Lisa and Lance's blog! Welcome to the blog family. Check us our sometimes too.
And I agree with Lisa, you really need to come to another soccer game sometime. TTYL!