Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Hazardous Event

Kim is a silly goose bucket.

On Monday nights we have Family Home Evening with our Student Ward down here and Orem and it is a lot of fun. Basically every time there's free food and I sure do love food ESPECIALLY when it's free. This weeks activity was taking place at Canyon Glen Park in Provo Canyon, so when the time rolled around to leave--Kim had to get there "early" because she's a FHE Coordinator now--we got in our cars and began our journey. On the directions it says "take a slight right", meaning the bend in the road right before you turn left to go into the canyon, so Kim and her car-full of girls went the wrong direction, while my car-full of girls when the right (left) direction. So basically, Kim didn't get there early, she got there 15 minutes late.

We waited probably an hour for the Chicken to be done; thank goodness it was worth the wait. While we patiently waited for our poultry dinner we chatted, made new friends, and took pictures.

After the wonderful eating portion of the activity, one of the guys in charge handed out candles to random people while the rest of us stood in confusion wondering what the candles were for. Of course, everyone symbolizes something so there was bound to be an object lesson behind the candles...and I was correct. Anyone could share a thought or their testimony, but the people with the candles were encouraged to do so. Your candle would be lit and then you'd share, and then you'd share your light with another person when you were done and then they could share. "Ye are the light of the world."

Kim got a candle, and she shouldn't have. She also had been put in charge of a light just in case someone near her needed to light their candle. You should know up front that Kim plus fire equals a disaster. We knew from the moment they handed her a lighter something bad would happen. SO, we were standing around, some people's candles lit, others weren't, listening to people share their testimony and suddenly I could no longer feel Kim's presence. I heard something going on quietly behind me, so I turned around to find Kim leaning over with two boys surrounding her and trying to comfort her. Oh my. I proceed to walk towards her to find out what had happened. She kept saying "Ow" and touching her face: she had burned the tips of a chunk of her hair and her eyelashes and gotten wax in her eye. I just started laughing because seriously, Michelle and I totally called it. She's fine and she laughs about it now, but she still recalls the pain. It was hilarious....poor Kim!