Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Smiling is the best currency."

Sometimes, I get this overwhelming urge to be cooler than I am. It's not like I'm bragging, saying, "Wow, I'm so cool," but it's not like I'm boring, either...
Really, though.

I have this book called Sark's New Creative Companion: Ways to Free Your Creative Mom (Jen) gave it to me a while back. Every time I look at it I am reminded of how I want to be more creative and more easy going in life. I want to LIVE my LIFE! We can all admit that sometimes it gets hard to be spontaneous and to think out of the box; I wish it wasn't hard.

If I just wish, it's not going to happen. I have to make it happen.

I was following different links that I found on some blogs that I read and reading about random people's lives and I came across someone's that I absolutely fell in love with. I thought, "Good Gravy. How do people get so cool?" It made me a little jealous, yes, but it is also what brought on this urge I'm having. I want to be free and exciting.

Just For One Day:

GO on your travels with just one dollar in your pocket. include walking, nature, relaxation and smiling. smiling is the best currency.

THINK of an advertisement for something you want and put it in a newspaper or up on a tree.

SPEND two hours in a library for pleasure only.

DO everything with your least dominant hand. if you are ambidextrous, do handstands.

"Send love to your fears. welcome your fears! invite
them in, entertain them, and then send them home!"

Live juicy. Stamp out conformity. Stay in bed all day.
Dream of gypsy wagons. Find snails. Develop an astounding
appetite for books. Drink sunsets. Draw out your feelings.
Amaze yourself. Be ridiculous. Stop worrying. NOW. If now
now, then when? Make yes your favorite word. Marry yourself.
Dry your clothes in the sun. Eat mangoes naked. Keep toys
in the bathtub. spin yourself dizzy. Hang upside down. Follow
a child. Celebrate an old person. Send a love letter to yourself.
Be advanced. Try endearing. Invent new ways to love. Transform
negatives. Delight someone. Wear pajamas to a drive in movie.
Allow yourself to feel rich without money. be who you truly are
and the money with follow. Believe in everything. You are always
on your way to a miracle...The miracle is you!

Each day is a new day, but sometimes I don't treat it like one. I'm not the best at getting over things quickly and I'm not perfect at always being cheerful and optimistic. Both are total bummers because, things like that, slow my life down and don't make it as awesome as it could be. I want to be happy, positive and advanced all the time. I don't want to look back at my life and WISH I had done this, or that...I never want to regret.

I'm going to Live.

I am now ALIVE!
Let's do it together!
...I dare you! ;)


Kristen said...

hey you need to share the link to the blog that inspired you!

Some great ideas there. :)

Anonymous said...


i'm so glad you find that book inspiring, cause i certainly do =)

love this post. love love love it!
(and i wanna see the blog too)


~morjenmom ;)

heather b. said...

Hi Chel, thanks for sharing the optimism!