Everyone...I'm leaving for college in 3 days. Someone pinch me; it's all just a dream...right??? None of this was ever supposed to happen to me. Graduating High School, moving out and going to college happens to everyone else; how in the world did I get sucked into this?!?! Don't get me wrong, I am excited, but I'm pretty sure my stress level has exceeded my excitement level for the time being. I am quite nervous. How do you even live away from your mother? Can I do it? I am a big girl, I guess I'll survive. But really, I can only make a limited amount of different foods; I only know how to work my mom's washer and dryer; I've never bought more than junk food at the grocery store; I've never had to seriously budget my money like I have to from here on out. I'm not going to lie, I think this will all be a big adventure...good thing I have a journal and this blog so people can laugh at me now and in the future for all the mistakes I'll be making. But first, I have to finish packing. Moving out sure is tough; I don't know what to take or what not to take; what's necessary and what's not??? SO MANY DECISIONS! All that's just living part, I really am going to college. I've never studied for longer than probably 45 minutes for a class; I'm doomed. And like everyone says, it continues to rein true: Textbooks ARE expensive. Thank you Amazon.com, you have saved me. Yeah, College is already a little overwhelming for me; my tummy definitely doesn't like it. After all of that and ever more, I will be okay as long as I think positively. I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN! Wish me Luck!:)
No worries, Chel, you will be just fine. I wasn't much more prepared than you are and you just learn as you go and everything works out. :)
You'll do great Chel! I'm sure you'll find you fall into a routine really fast. I remember moving away to college for the first time myself... I didn't know anyone who was going to the same school as me and all I had was my meal plan at the cafeteria, a shared room on the 15th floor of this huge dorm building, no car, and a tiny microwave to cook food purchased at this shabby little city grocery store called "community pride" which everyone called "ghetto pride" (gotta love richmond). But it didn't take long to figure out what I liked and a routine that worked for me... ahhh those were the days ... ;)
Have fun and good luck!!
- Liz
Good Luck Chalus! You will do great in college. It will all come together when you get down there. You better keep this blog updated though so I can keep tabs on you! :) Let me know if you need anything!
You go girl. You'll love it. Love Mommy Roeber
Happy Moving Day Chelsea! I'm excited for you, and to come see your new digs. Have fun!!
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