Friday, October 2, 2009

Little Known Fact

I don't know if you know, but me and my friends are models. Posing in front of the camera just comes naturally to us, it's almost hard to believe. There was a day a few weeks back where Kim, Sean and I went on an adventure to a near-by park with a WICKED AWESOME--but hard to enjoy--swing. We ventured to this park to try out the swing, but ended up having a photo shoot, also. It was a fun time.

The Incredible swing. Yes, it is rad.

"Pocahontas and John Smith"

"80's Model" look.


"Best Friends"



Sean's going to hate me...he's embarrassed by this photo.


Just so we're clear, we're not real models.
We were just having fun. :)

1 comment:

Lisa and Lance said...

Yes yes, I can see that you guys are great models! Your feet are probably the best, yes, I like that modeling the most! :) 1 more week!!! :) :) :)