Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Is it strange that my Health class has opened my eyes a little bit--among other things--??

I find it a little strange, honestly.

I'm not counting, but I try to get 10,000 steps in a day, because that's the minimum to stay healthy...apparently.

I've been eating a lot of salad this week. whoop.

Also, I have found out a few things:
  • there are seven Health Dimension: spiritual, physical, mental, intellectual, social, environmental and emotional
  • I kind of fail at all of, basically, I'm pretty unhealthy.

With that being said, the question is: NOW WHAT?

I don't know, actually.

For the emotional and social parts, I'm helping myself by reading a book I got for Christmas: How to Win Friends & Influence People.

It's rather inspirational. I feel different already--{and I haven't even read any of the chapters yet, just the introduction...awesome}--

I feel happier, and I don't think it's just because of that book...I have to believe it is because of other factors, also.

Which is, for sure, good news!

I have finally solved a long, lingering has occupied my mind for some time, now...definitely a factor in my recent happiness!


I have a feeling, it's going to be a good one! :)


Anonymous said...


would love to hear about your solved problem (as well as unsolved ones), and why you feel you're failing at the seven dimensions of happiness.. and why the book is inspiring.. and..


Krista Michelle said...

That book is utterly amazing. Follow the advice and you'll be so happy.